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In industrial settings that can potentially bring workers into contact with chemicals, debris, and other potentially harmful substances, keeping an eye wash solution on hand is essential. This single-use bottle of sterile eye wash makes it easy to act quickly in an emergency, making it a must for any on-site first-aid kit.
1oz Bottle Sterile Eye Wash
HORN SONIC BLAST 8oz 127dB@10'. Easy to operate, Fully adapted, Long service life, ERB Industries, Inc.
Sonic Blast Horn, 8oz can, 127dB w/ 10' Blast
Unscented aerosol bee repellent also repels wasps and hornets. Comes in 12 oz. spray can by ARI.
12oz ARI Bee Bopper Bee Repellent
SPILL KIT UNIVERSAL 20-GAL SPC. Tough, high visibility, Screw-capped overpack drum, ORS Nasco.
20-Gal SPC Universal Spill Kit
Hand Sanitizer 8oz Bottle 24/CS is the alcohol hand sanitizer made from 70% ethyl alcohol that is perfect to kill common germs.
24- 8oz Hand Sanitizer Bottles
KIT 1ST AID 36-UNIT CLASS B. First aid kit, 36-unit sealed metal enclosure, Top Safety Products.
36-Unit Class B First Aid Kit
KIT 1ST AID 16-UNIT CLASS A. Easy to carry, Quick access, Disposable packaging, Top Safety Products.
16-Unit Class A First Aid Kit
EYE WASH STATION 2-BOTTLE 16oz. Eye wash station, Isotonic Buffered solution, Top Safety Products.
2-16oz Bottle Sterile Eye Wash
EYE WASH REPLACEABLE BOTTLE 16oz. Eye wash, 16 oz, Isotonic Buffered solution, Top Safety Products.
16oz Bottle Replacement Eye Wash
EXTINGUISHER FIRE 20-LB ABC DRY CHEMICAL. Multipurpose extinguishing agent, Class A, B and C fires, USCG approved, Main Source Corporation
20-LB ABC Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher
EXTINGUISHER FIRE 10-LB ABC DRY CHEMICAL. Multipurpose extinguishing agent, Class A, B and C fires, USCG approved, Main Source Corporation
10-LB ABC Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher
EXTINGUISHER FIRE 5-LB ABC DRY CHEMICAL. Multipurpose extinguishing agent, Class A, B and C fires, USCG approved, Main Source Corporation
5-LB ABC Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher
Showing 1 - 12 of 21 results