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Black and Yellow
Orange and White
Streamlining tasks like lane delineation and traffic flow control calls for versatile, high-visibility channelization equipment that leaves zero room for error. The TrailBOSS channelizer drum from Cortina covers all the right bases for your work zones with robust construction and an eye-catching design that keeps safety front and center.
Channelizer Drum 4/6 DG TrailBOSS
CHANNELIZER DRUM 4/6 DG DRUM ONLY. Polyethylene, Resistant, Easy to set up, Cortina Safety Products.
Replacement 8 oz. safety airhorn refill provides a 120dB emergency blast, meets EPA ozone standards.
Tire Ring for Channelizer Drum
42” Channelizer Cone with Reflective Strips
Choosing the right base for your traffic channelizing equipment is essential to get the most out of it. This 16-pound rubber channelizer base from Cortina adds the weight and stability your cones and delineators need to stay standing, even under challenging conditions. An innovative hexagon shape is ideal for use with other Cortina products.
Rubber 16lbs Channelizer Cone Base
Iconic and impossible to misread, traffic cones are a familiar sight to drivers and pedestrians everywhere. This classic, high-visibility orange traffic cone is versatile and durable, providing superior ease of use in a wide range of situations. Use yours to optimize roadway traffic flow, direct pedestrians away from hazards, organize lanes or parking lots, and more.
36” Orange Traffic Cone w/Collars
High-vis and easy to recognize, our 28-inch traffic cones make a versatile addition to a wide range of safety applications. Classic orange coloring and dual reflective collars ensure maximum visibility, even under low-light conditions. Hardy, impact-resistant PVC construction ensures high performance and long product life.
28” Orange Traffic Cones with Collars
28” Orange Traffic Cone
CONE TRAFFIC 18" RS45015C 3LB. Traffic cone, Premium quality PVC, Durable, JBC Safety Plastic Material.
3-LB 18" Traffic Cone
CONE TRAFFIC 36" 10LB ORANGE. Traffic cone, PVC, Durable, Patented lock, JBC Safety Plastic Material.
10-LB 36" Orange Traffic Cone
Cone Stencil Black One Side - Fee.
Cone Stencil Black One Side
Visibility and durability aren’t the only factors you need to keep in mind when integrating traffic cones into your safety strategy. You also need to consider how you’ll keep your cones stable, especially if factors like high winds are a concern. At seven pounds, this robust traffic cone ring from JBC has what it takes to keep cones standing, no matter what.
7lbs Traffic Cone Stabilizer Ring
Showing 1 - 12 of 25 results