12oz ARI Bee Bopper Bee Repellent

Model# GR1508

Unscented aerosol bee repellent also repels wasps and hornets. Comes in 12 oz. spray can by ARI.
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$7 22/ ea
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Overview Reviews
According to OSHA, insect-related injuries account for several thousand missed days at work annually. Get ahead of the risk with Bee Bopper bee repellent. Bee Bopper lets you keep your distance with a spray stream of 20 feet, so you can hit wasp, bee, and hornet nests from several yards away. Excellent for HVAC, utility companies, landscaping, construction, maintenance, and other industrial applications. Dielectric breakdown voltage is rated 40,100 volts by ASTM test method D-877. EPA Reg. No. 7754-44. Unscented, 12 fluid ounces in metal aerosol spray can. Find more must-have safety supplies and equipment at 95TSS.