Yield Ahead 48 x 48 Roll-Up Sign

Model# SS1443

In situations where drivers may need to prepare to yield further up the road, a “yield ahead” road sign like this sturdy option from Bone Safety Signs is a smart addition to a traffic control plan. Brilliant Marathon Fluorescence material boosts visibility and durability. An easy-to-use roll-up design simplifies installation, storage, and transport.
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Keep Drivers Informed with a Yield Ahead Temporary Sign


Anytime construction, roadwork, or detours change familiar traffic patterns, it’s important to let drivers know what changes to anticipate up the road. A “yield ahead” traffic sign lets people know that they’ll need to yield at an upcoming intersection, giving them time to adjust speeds accordingly. Common situations that call for “yield ahead” signage include roundabouts, lane merges, and roadwork zones.



Roll-Up Configuration for Space-Efficiency


A roll-up sign is an ideal fit for projects when space is at a premium and conditions call for equipment that’s easy to deploy as quickly as possible. This particular option features sturdy but flexible material that rolls easily without losing integrity and takes up minimal space in vehicles, storage sheds, etc.



Chemical-Resistant Materials for Durability


Construction zones and similar environments can expose traffic signage to a lot, including dirt, chemicals, and the elements. This hardy road sign is made of high-vis Marathon Fluorescence material that resists deterioration, dirt build-up, and the effects of long-term wear for years of high-performance use.

Have questions about which traffic signage options are the right fit for your team? Call or email us today, and we’ll happily assist.