Quadguard M10 (MASH) 24" wide TL-2 w/ Tension Strut Backup and Concrete Anchor kit

Model# MQ0010M

 24” QuadGuard non-gating crash cushion with tension backup, concrete anchor kit, & patented QuadBeam panels.
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$12,723 75/ ea
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Overview Reviews
 This redirective non-gating crash cushion is made up of an engineered steel nose, crushable, replaceable inner cartridges, and patented-technology QuadBeam panels. A leader in energy absorption technology, QuadGuard is tested effective in crashes up to 75 mph. Tested to the Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH) Test Level 3 and Test Level 2, can be used to shield fixed objects of 24”. Now features monorail guide stabilizers and concrete anchorage. Cartridges may be reusable after crash (within MASH test standards). Keep shopping 95TSS for the full line of industry best QuadGuard crash cushion systems, nose assemblies, cartridges, and more.